Monday, November 3, 2008

all I can think are bad words.

my dog died today.
not Mia.
not my Mia asleep in her chair at my house on tower rd.
my Bacall.
my childhood best friend.
my emotional wellbeing from the age six.
she is the reason there is a Mia asleep in her chair at my
house on tower rd.
the reason I will always own a golden retriever.
golden retrievers that will never compare to my Bacall.
not even my Mia.
she wasn't there.
she hasn't held me.
I haven't loved her like my Bacall;
not yet.
my Bacall who died today.
all I can hear are my father's words, 'thats a dirty joke, if I'd have known it would hurt this much, I wouldn't have loved her so much.'
his perfect words.


Anonymous said...

awww. im so sorry:/ i hope you feel better.

i hope greta and bacal are playing somewhere pretty together.

Calebs Life said...

hi taylor its Caleb!!!
I know abot Bacall!
It's sad! Bacall loved you and she still does even thow she is in heven! LOVE

emily freeman said...

so sorry Taylor. So sad. love to you. and your writing.

This Little Hen said...

I lost my sweet baby on Oct. 30th. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that My Rocky welcomed your Bacal and that they are well together now.